Posts tagged ‘Java’

The Google Play Services APIs for Android


Why Use the Google Play Services APIs?

Google Play Services (also known as Google APIs for Android) and abbreviated GPS, is a set of APIs that are delivered in the form of an app that can be updated via the Google Play Store. The reason Google provides these APIs this way is to reduce fragmentation of the Android platform. Fragmentation is a result of many different versions of Android running on devices out in the wild.


May 27, 2016 at 9:05 am 1 comment

Highest Demand Programming Languages in March 2015

ProgrammingLanguageListingsOnDiceA question that I hear frequently is: “Which programming language (or languages) should I learn? Usually the person asking is a student and what they really mean is, “What programming language will get me a job?!” My usual answer is that it’s more important to focus on learning concepts (like: inheritance, composition, polymorphism, data structures, design patterns, etc.) because these are pretty much the same regardless of language. If you learn C# in-depth, and then get a job where you need to use Java, you should be able to apply the concepts you know (and even a lot of the syntax) and pick up Java quickly. But, of course, you would still want to choose a language that is at least in the top dozen, as far as job demand. (more…)

March 27, 2015 at 3:11 pm 3 comments

Bird’s Bits

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